Visit My Studio! Located in Bloomfield CT just minutes from Hartford and Rt 91. Studio visits are by appointment only. Please call or text 860-778-1850 or email at [email protected]
So Sorry, my Etsy store is temporarily out of stock.

D.Wilson~Art items sold in my on-line Etsy store are rare. Shipping pottery is difficult and usually items in my store are items that have been priced with significant discounts. These items are discounted for one or more of the following reasons; Past season items, Items on "clearance", Items that I consider flawed in some way. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and tend to be very critical of my work. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes the glaze does not come out as I expected or the lid on a vessel doesn't fit as snugly as I would like it to. These "flaws" are minor and a matter of my own opinion. The description of each item on the item's sale page will indicate the reason for the discount. Enjoy shopping there for a great deal! Click on the Festive Egg vessel to the left to visit my store.
Click on Upcoming Shows & Events for more information on Art Shows and exhibits.